7 de nov. de 2013

Legionnaires disease confirmed cause of death of Lake County infant


 There's something in the water and it's responsible for taking the life of Ryland Joseph.
"Don't use the shower," a doctor told Kellie and Rodd Joseph, "there's a bug in the water." Those are the words that haunt the Joseph family every day.
Court documents filed on Oct. 23 state that the University of California San Francisco Medical Center and Benoiff Children's Hospital knew that the building's water system was contaminated with legionella bacteria, including the drinking water, sinks, bathtubs, showers and bone marrow transplant unit.
Legionella bacteria is found in water molecules when the water in is an aerosol form when released in places such as showers, sinks, steam rooms, hot tubs, swamp coolers or misters.
"We needed answers," Rodd said. "And now we need to let other people know. The hospital did not do enough to keep us safe, given their prior knowledge. This should not happen to anyone else ever again."

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